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Your SaaS framework in a box. Built using modern open-source frameworks and packed full of integrations, StartupKit provides everything you need to build, grow, and scale your startup.

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The ultimate open-source SaaS framework

StartupKit is powered by the most advanced and reliable technologies to ensure your startup's success from day one. Our framework is built on Next.js, incorporating the best practices and tools in the industry.

With StartupKit, you're not just getting a framework—you're getting the best foundation for your startup to thrive.

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Powerful Integrations for Every Aspect of Your SaaS Product

Save time and reduce costs with our pre-configured solutions.


Understanding your users is crucial. Our analytics integrations provide you with clear insights to help you make better decisions and improve your product.

Google Analytics


Integrate seamless sign-up and login solutions with our authentication partners. Make user access easy and enhance their experience without compromising on quality.



Integrating payment providers shouldn't be complicated. Our solutions offer simple configuration for any modern payment provider, making it easy to process transactions and manage your finances.

SOONLemon Squeezy

Content Management

Bridge the gap between marketing and sales effortlessly. Our CMS solutions make it super easy to add and manage content like blogs, guides, and more, keeping your site engaging and up-to-date.



Our newsletter integrations make it easy to send updates, keep your audience informed, and manage beta launch waitlists, ensuring your community is always engaged.



Drive sales and boost revenue with our comprehensive affiliate marketing tools. Effortlessly manage partnerships and track performance to maximize your earnings and grow your business.


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